D-Blog Day: Setting the Record Straight About Type 1 Diabetes

November is National Diabetes month.  Today, November 9th, is d-blog day.  It was started back in 2005 to help connect bloggers and create awareness on the disease. There is a different topic each year; this year, diabetics are asked to share six things about diabetes with others. Here are some facts that I consider to be important and worth sharing: 
1.  Type 1 Diabetes can happen at any age and is still considered to be 'Juvenile Diabetes.'
I was diagnosed at age 22.  People believe that because a person is diagnosed later in life, it is not the same. Completely untrue!  In fact, people with type 1 always have that autoimmune gene in them,  and it decides when it wants to come out.  It could happen at any point in your life.  No matter what age you're diagnosed, type 1 diabetics still require insulin to live.
2.  We didn't do anything to deserve diabetes.
Most people with Type 1 diabetes are very healthy!  We take care of ourselves, even before our initial diagnosis. We don't have diabetes because we ate junk food or did not exercise enough.  That's not what type 1 is all about.  
3. The pump is an amazing piece of technology, but it doesn't make the job any easier or less demanding.
No, it's not an ipod or pager attached at my hip, it's my insulin pump.  It is connected to me at all times, and gives me small amounts of insulin throughout the day to help keep my blood sugar stable.  Just because I have this device, does not mean I don't have to test, or monitor my blood sugar and insulin intake.  It's a constant game with diabetes--doing the math and figuring out how much I need at different times of the day. 
 4.  Having a glucose sensor, which helps monitor blood sugar, does not mean we don't have to test.  
I hear this all the time--even from doctors & medical professionals!  "Oh, so that tests your blood sugar? That's great!  You don't even have to test now!" No, not the case.  In fact, there have been many, many times when my sensor says my blood sugar is, for example, 250, when it's really 150.  Yes, sometimes it's 100+ points over what I actually am.  I don't necessarily rely on this piece of device.  I believe advancements will be made, and maybe in the future it will be more accurate.  For now, I use it because  it does alarm me when I am too low or too high.  This tells me to test my blood sugar, sometimes the  sensor is correct and sometimes not.  But, FYI, I do test about 10-15 times per day.  
5.  Diabetes won't just "go away."
If we take care of ourselves, this disease can go away--another misconception!  Our bodies need insulin, and will always need insulin.  So, unless they find a cure, like an artificial pancreas that can produce insulin on its own...we'll always be diabetics.  
6. I love sweets...and diabetics can eat anything they want!
"Should you be eating that?" That's a question I get ALL of the time.  I am sick & tired of hearing it.  The answer is "YES!" I can and should be eating whatever I want. The key is moderation; nothing is "off- limits."  Could you imagine if you had to avoid something forever...no exceptions?  Life would be a struggle.  You have to give in to your sweet tooth every once in awhile.  

Interested in hearing what other diabetics have to say about this disease that we struggle with everyday?  Visit http://bit.ly/bq37LS and see what they have to say!  
"Diabetes isn't something that holds me down, but rather makes me stand up."


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