Roller Coaster Blood Sugars
Low #1...I can deal with it.
Low #2...getting a little agitated.
Low #3...feel like I wanna give up.
High #1...UGH!
Not to mention, these lows happen within a 10 hour time frame. I just want to shove every piece of food down my mouth to get rid of these sweaty, shaky, heart-racing lows. My brain tells me "FOOD...NOW!!" Hours later, sky-rocketing numbers appear on my meter.
First low, I just felt weird while laying in bed. I knew that if I didn't get up and test myself, I wouldn't be able to get to sleep. I get up, test myself, and an ugly 58 is staring back at me from the test meter.
The frustrating thing is that I don't know what's causing these lows. Am I giving myself too much insulin? Or are my basal rates off? This is too much math for an English major!
What am I so scared of? I am petrified that I will have a low while sleeping and not wake up. The sensor gives me a peace of mind. Sometimes it completely pisses me off. Being woken up during the middle of the night by a sound that reminds me of a fire siren is no fun. But, it does ease my mind that it's there.
I know that lows and highs are bad. But, I would take a high over a low any day. Any other thoughts on this topic?
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