10 Things I Hate About Diabetes
Sometimes you need to let it all out...
1. The fact that I can't eat everything and anything I want...whenever I want. There's the annoying part of testing myself and giving myself insulin for all of the sugar I intake. Plus the super sugary foods can mess me up. It can be quite annoying at times!
2. Being asked, "Wait...you can eat that? I thought you were a diabetic?" Yes, I am a diabetic. Yes, I can eat this. Leave me alone :)
3. The annoying beeping at night when my blood sugar is too high or low. Can't a girl get a good night's sleep?!
4. It is almost impossible to wear a dress! The only way I am able to pull it off is by going into the bathroom stall to give myself insulin.
5. I want to be able to carry a small, teeny, tiny purse! I can't--I've got to carry my testing supplies PLUS extra pumping supplies in case something happens to the one I am wearing.
6. Lows can just ruin a day. If I drop low, I have to eat sugar to bring me back up. The bad thing is, my body is screaming "SUGAR!!!" so I eat too much sugar, therefore causing me to have an extremely high blood sugar an hour later. Lovely.
7. Needles. Needles. Needles. Can't get enough of them--Pricking of the finger about 10 times a day, changing my insulin every three days, and the ginormous needle that is jabbed into my back...[the sensor that is supposed to help] but OUCH-it hurts!
8. Planning to work out is more of a work out than the actual activity! I have to reduce my insulin an hour before working out, test right before as well. If I'm low, I have to eat some fruit snacks, then I can work out. It doesn't stop there though--I have to stop about half way through my exercise and test to make sure I don't drop low. Then, hours later, I have to check my blood sugar again because my bg usually goes a little high from working out. Man, I thought body combat could be challenging. Fun.
9. Always having to stress about health benefits/insurance. I can't go a day without it, my life depends on it. Or, I'll just have to pay hundreds of dollars a month for it. Either way, it's stressful!
10. I hate the guilt that comes with having this disease. If I make a mistake, or feel frustrated...it all makes me feel bad and think that I'm not a "good" diabetic. I'm human and I'm not going to be perfect at having diabetes. Also, the fact that this disease affects the people in my life that I love. It's not fair for them to worry about me.
Yes, I kind of added two things I dislike into number 10. Ten is just too small of a number.
I also hate the fact that I could keep this list going...and going.
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