Diabetes Blog Week: Diabetes Hero
Prompt: "Let’s end our week on a high note and blog about our “Diabetes Hero”. It can be anyone you’d like to recognize or admire, someone you know personally or not, someone with diabetes or maybe a Type 3. It might be a fabulous endo or CDE. It could be a d-celebrity or role-model. It could be another DOC member. It’s up to you – who is your Diabetes Hero??" I didn't even hesitate after reading this prompt. My diabetic hero is my husband, Kris. Kris is my biggest supporter. He is there cheering me on when I just want to give up on this disease. When I say, "I can't do this," he's the one reassuring me and saying, "You're not alone; we're in this together." His love gives me the strength to do my best everyday, because that's how much I deal with this disease, everyday. Kris is my lifeline during the night. The simple light touch of his hand or arm, just to see if I'm ok--if I'm breathing, because he worries ...