Diabetes Blog Week: One Great Thing

Prompt: Living with diabetes (or caring for someone who lives with it) sure does take a lot of work, and it’s easy to be hard on ourselves if we aren’t “perfect”.  But today it’s time to give ourselves some much deserved credit.  Tell us about just one diabetes thing you (or your loved one) does spectacularly!  Fasting blood sugar checks, oral meds sorted and ready, something always on hand to treat a low, or anything that you do for diabetes.  Nothing is too big or too small to celebrate doing well!"

Today, for Diabetes Blog Week, we're asked to share one thing we're great at in relation to diabetes.  It can be a stressful, frustrating, wanting-to-give-up-all-the-time kind of disease.  However, the one thing that I am constantly great at is testing my blood sugar.  My doctors look at my fingers and say, "Your poor little fingers look so sore!" 
If my sensor tells me my blood sugar is too high or too low, I test.  But, I don't stop there. I test if I feel "weird" or if I just worked out.  If I just had an argument or cried and if I'm scared or excited.  Every second of every day--my blood sugar is on my mind.  I test, test, test...because in my opinion, you can't test too much! 


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