
Showing posts from October, 2011

Letting Go of the Fear

"I was almost ashamed of my diabetes. I didn't want to tell the producers I was diabetic because I didn't want that special attention. I didn't want to be branded as different. I let my priorities get mixed up, and I was sick because of it." -Crystal Bowersox Some people are afraid of spiders, snakes, or heights. But, what's my biggest fear? Diabetic judgement.   After reading the interview with  Crystal Bowersox in Diabetes Forecast , I realized that I  currently  feel the way she felt. For any of you that don't know, Bowersox was the  American Idol  contestant with Type 1 Diabetes. She didn't want to share the fact that she was a diabetic, and because of that, her health was severly jeopordized. I'm a very private person--regarding all aspects of my life.  For some reason, I am extremely quiet about my diabetes. I don't know what the fear is--but I think Crystal explains it well in the above quote. I don't want to be discrimin...

The Power of Body Combat

My strength is too much to handle. I exert an enourmous amount of power--that  even I  can't handle it. The mornings are always difficult for me. Showering, eating breakfast, packing my lunch--so much to do! This morning, my pump went off and on the display screen it said, "insulin low". Grr, now I have to change my tubing and reservoir amongst all of my other morning rituals. After filling up the resevoir with insulin, I needed to get the plunger out. But, it just wouldn't unscrew! Yank! Insulin...all....over. One hundred units of insulin all over my hands and dining room table. Lovely.  It took me three tries to change the tubing and reservoir successfully. Phew. Thanks, body combat... I  won the fight with my reservoir!

Voila--It's Magic! Or is it?

As I was reminiscing through old pictures on my computer, I came across the one you see above.  Just a few days before being diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes, and I am wearing glasses.  Why that might not seem like a big deal to you--just know that I previously had 20/20 vision.  All of these 'strange' things started to of them being that my vision was completely blurry! I was a senior in college, and my commute was about forty-five minutes to school.  I woke up one morning, and  could   not  see!  I, being the dork I am, had to make it to school--no ifs, and, or buts about it!!  I hate excuses, and I wasn't about to start using them.  I borrowed my husband's glasses to give me a clearer view of the world.   Later that day, I went to the eye doctor--the one in the mall .  I told them how I woke up and couldn't see! Without even thinking of asking me, "Have you been checked for diabetes?", they simply gave...

JDRF Walk 2011

What a huge success this year-- Team Joanna Banana came in with a total of $1,746.25 . I think that is by far the best total we have had yet! It couldn't have been a more perfect day. Sunshining...simply beautiful!  Participating in this walk made me realize so much. For one, how giving people can be. So many people were able to donate. I stressed to everyone that it wasn't the amount  that was given; no matter what amount, it helps JDRF  and  shows your support. So,  thank you  again to everyone  that donated. It is appreciated so very much! It also made me realize how thoughtless people can be. If someone I knew had a serious chronic disease, I would donate. Granted, it may not be a lot of money compared to what others might give, but I know I could afford at least $1! I think that it is the  support of others that gets us through the day . All I asked for is $1. Everyone can afford that--look in your car or couch---I'm sure there...