JDRF Walk 2011

What a huge success this year--Team Joanna Banana came in with a total of $1,746.25. I think that is by far the best total we have had yet! It couldn't have been a more perfect day. Sunshining...simply beautiful! 
Participating in this walk made me realize so much. For one, how giving people can be. So many people were able to donate. I stressed to everyone that it wasn't theamount that was given; no matter what amount, it helps JDRF and shows your support. So, thank you again toeveryone that donated. It is appreciated so very much!
It also made me realize how thoughtless people can be. If someone I knew had a serious chronic disease, I would donate. Granted, it may not be a lot of money compared to what others might give, but I know I could afford at least $1! I think that it is the support of others that gets us through the day. All I asked for is $1. Everyone can afford that--look in your car or couch---I'm sure there's spare change floating around! The people that couldn't donate even a dollar--well, I just don't understand. I'm sorry. Especially when I go out of my way and donate and do things for others.  Some people are such a disappointment.  
It was wonderful to have a huge group of advocates at the walk. From friends and family of PWD [people with diabetes], it was truly amazing to witness the support that was given! I was able to get Starbucks to donate coffee for the event, too! 
Then, we had our annual team celebration after the walk--where we ate hamburgers, hotdogs, & salad! Much healthier choice than last year (which was pizza). Check out the rest of my pictures in my diabetes album! Hurrah to my awesome team & for raising way beyond our fundraising goal. I know our 2012 walk will be even better! 


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