Letting Go of the Fear

"I was almost ashamed of my diabetes. I didn't want to tell the producers I was diabetic because I didn't want that special attention. I didn't want to be branded as different. I let my priorities get mixed up, and I was sick because of it." -Crystal Bowersox
Some people are afraid of spiders, snakes, or heights. But, what's my biggest fear? Diabetic judgement.  
After reading the interview with Crystal Bowersox in Diabetes Forecast, I realized that I currently feel the way she felt. For any of you that don't know, Bowersox was the American Idol contestant with Type 1 Diabetes. She didn't want to share the fact that she was a diabetic, and because of that, her health was severly jeopordized.
I'm a very private person--regarding all aspects of my life.  For some reason, I am extremely quiet about my diabetes. I don't know what the fear is--but I think Crystal explains it well in the above quote. I don't want to be discriminated or allow people to think that I can't do something. It's like I want to prove something to the world--but I know, deep down, I shouldn't feel that way. My career is important to me, and I'm petrified of being judged in the wrong way. If someone sees me testing or taking insulin...sometimes I would rather not share that part of myself in the workplace.  
I don't want to get handed a sympathy card & have people feel sorry for me. [Aw, it's ok, she hasdiabetes.]
I don't want people to start asking, 'You're allowed to eat that?' [YES, I can.]
I don't want people saying, 'I could never do that.' [I would have thought that many years ago, too. It's life, and you do what you need to do to survive.]
I just want to say to the world: "Hi, My name is Joanna, and I am a Type 1 Diabetic. Go under my skin, and reach in...this is what you'll find...
How does everyone else get past this in the workplace?


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