
Showing posts from 2011

Flying Pump!

My pump has a mind of its own. During body combat (my all-time favorite exercise class), my pump detached from the clip and flew into the air! Then it swung recklessly around a couple of times. Just close your eyes and imagine a cowboy perfecting his rope-swinging skills. And now visualize a class full of people perfecting their punching and kicking skills. You now have the picture of what my workout looked like the past two days! Wow-that was embarrasing...and frightening! I can only imagine what would happen if it detached from my BODY??!  I do wonder where my pump wants to travel to--perhaps to another country? My pump loves traveling as much as I do...I guess that's what happens when you're attached to something 24/7!

11.14: World Diabetes Day

BG: 186 Today's a day to remember all of the  many  years that people have been fighting diabetes. No matter what type of diabetes it may be--type 1, 2, or 1.5--we've all been struggling with a lazy pancreas! Today's a day to remember the advancements that have come about in diabetic research--it helps diabetics live a much more manageable life. Today's a day to remember how strong we are. As I always say:  it takes a strong person to be a diabetic .  Today's a day to remember,  we are not alone . Today, my World Diabetes Day postcard came. Perfect timing...right on the day! I was thrilled about getting something other than bills in the mail! This project was incredibly fun--and I look forward to participating again next year! My postcard from Florida

My World Diabetes Day Postcard

The creative  Lee Ann Thill  put together a  World Diabetes Day Postcard Exchange .  Everyone was matched with another diabetic.  Each person was to create a postcard and send it on or before November 14th.  On Monday--which is World Diabetes Day--all of the postcards will be in transit and the blue diabetes circle will be seen by all! The diabetes love will be shared with the whole world!   526 people took place from  every  continent! How cool is that?!  I am so excited to receive mine!  Until then--here's mine, which I mailed out this morning...

4 Years Ago

Some things I hold close to my heart: hope for a cure [bracelet], my marriage to Kristopher [wedding ring], and my kitty [who is always purring next to me when I have a high or low], LB. Today is my 4 year diabetic anniversary. I chose to celebrate by writing a poem of my memories with this disease... There’s one day a year, It’s inevitable---impossible to miss.It is when I’m reminded of all the fear. It’s November 3rd--the day I reminisce. Bolus, basal, lancets---what do those bizarre words mean?It instantaneously became engrained in my life. All of this immediately became my routine. Diabetes suddenly became my own personal strife. Without hesitation, the doctor uttered, “You won’t be able to do this or that!”As I lay there, dumbfounded, in the hospital bed. Family surrounded me; they put their arms around me and gave me a pat. I embraced this challenge and learned not to dread my life ahead. And now I’m on track,I’m strong and I proved the doctors wrong. There’s ...

I Wasn't Told...

Doctors don't tell you how to cope with medical bills--owing hundreds of dollars for pump supplies. Think for a moment about the  thousands of dollars my insurance company pays and  hundreds  that I shell out--just to lead a 'normal' life! No, doctors don't tell you how to handle the fact that you have to pay outrageous amounts of money for all the  little  things: AAA batteries, alcohol swabs, glucose tabs, & bandaids. Those supplies aren't covered by insurance. How little we hear of the financial burden for diabetics. Doctors don't warn you about the extra money you will have to provide for healthy meals. Sure--eating pasta, pizza, and all of the other wonderful carbs are cheaper...but how much is my  health  worth? So--the fruits, veggies, meats, fish, and almonds that help me stay a strong diabetic, also empties my wallet. Diabetics don't have the option to eat "cheaply," since cheap = crazy, uncontrollable bg's. Oh, how nice ...

Letting Go of the Fear

"I was almost ashamed of my diabetes. I didn't want to tell the producers I was diabetic because I didn't want that special attention. I didn't want to be branded as different. I let my priorities get mixed up, and I was sick because of it." -Crystal Bowersox Some people are afraid of spiders, snakes, or heights. But, what's my biggest fear? Diabetic judgement.   After reading the interview with  Crystal Bowersox in Diabetes Forecast , I realized that I  currently  feel the way she felt. For any of you that don't know, Bowersox was the  American Idol  contestant with Type 1 Diabetes. She didn't want to share the fact that she was a diabetic, and because of that, her health was severly jeopordized. I'm a very private person--regarding all aspects of my life.  For some reason, I am extremely quiet about my diabetes. I don't know what the fear is--but I think Crystal explains it well in the above quote. I don't want to be discrimin...

The Power of Body Combat

My strength is too much to handle. I exert an enourmous amount of power--that  even I  can't handle it. The mornings are always difficult for me. Showering, eating breakfast, packing my lunch--so much to do! This morning, my pump went off and on the display screen it said, "insulin low". Grr, now I have to change my tubing and reservoir amongst all of my other morning rituals. After filling up the resevoir with insulin, I needed to get the plunger out. But, it just wouldn't unscrew! Yank! Insulin...all....over. One hundred units of insulin all over my hands and dining room table. Lovely.  It took me three tries to change the tubing and reservoir successfully. Phew. Thanks, body combat... I  won the fight with my reservoir!

Voila--It's Magic! Or is it?

As I was reminiscing through old pictures on my computer, I came across the one you see above.  Just a few days before being diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes, and I am wearing glasses.  Why that might not seem like a big deal to you--just know that I previously had 20/20 vision.  All of these 'strange' things started to of them being that my vision was completely blurry! I was a senior in college, and my commute was about forty-five minutes to school.  I woke up one morning, and  could   not  see!  I, being the dork I am, had to make it to school--no ifs, and, or buts about it!!  I hate excuses, and I wasn't about to start using them.  I borrowed my husband's glasses to give me a clearer view of the world.   Later that day, I went to the eye doctor--the one in the mall .  I told them how I woke up and couldn't see! Without even thinking of asking me, "Have you been checked for diabetes?", they simply gave...

JDRF Walk 2011

What a huge success this year-- Team Joanna Banana came in with a total of $1,746.25 . I think that is by far the best total we have had yet! It couldn't have been a more perfect day. Sunshining...simply beautiful!  Participating in this walk made me realize so much. For one, how giving people can be. So many people were able to donate. I stressed to everyone that it wasn't the amount  that was given; no matter what amount, it helps JDRF  and  shows your support. So,  thank you  again to everyone  that donated. It is appreciated so very much! It also made me realize how thoughtless people can be. If someone I knew had a serious chronic disease, I would donate. Granted, it may not be a lot of money compared to what others might give, but I know I could afford at least $1! I think that it is the  support of others that gets us through the day . All I asked for is $1. Everyone can afford that--look in your car or couch---I'm sure there...

Invisible Illness Week

This week is Invisible Illness Week. I want to share more about my disease with my readers. Sometimes it can affect me in a way that no one else knows. Somehow, diabetes makes me into the person I am today.   1. The illness I live with is: Type 1 Diabetes 2. I was diagnosed with it in the year: 2007 3. But I had symptoms since: 2006-2007; not quite sure when it was 'triggered'. 4. The biggest adjustment I’ve had to make is: Living 21 years of my life eating whatever and whenever I want; and suddenly, that changed.  I now have to count every carb I eat, and take insulin for it. 5. Most people assume: I had something to do with this happening to me; no, it was in my genes and something in the environment triggered it.  I didn't eat too many sweets, I exercised all the time, and I was not at all overweight. 6. The hardest part about mornings are: If I'm low--and I HAVE to eat some sugar to bring me back up. Especially if I'm in a hurry.  It's annoying to have...

Diabetes Art Day

Today is Diabetes Art Day.  My piece of art, which is titled, "My Life Line," represents feelings, people, and beliefs I have in regards to diabetes.  It is all connected together [with used testing strips] and linked to my heart.  See if you can read every word on the map of my crazy diabetic life. 

Living in the Moment.

I’ve never seen such beautiful numbers on my test meter!  For the past several weeks, I have been religiously counting carbs and wearing my glucose sensor.  The past six months have been a little hectic for me, working two I haven’t been what you’d call a “perfect diabetic.”  But, I decided to get more on top of it.   Last time I went to my endocrinologist, she suggested to test a little less while wearing the sensor.  I have never been recommended to do that!  I never thought testing LESS would be so hard!  What was happening was that I was testing 10+ times a day--and overcorrecting and the result was not good!  My doctor suggested that while I wear the sensor, I should test when I wake up, before breakfast, lunch, dinner, and before bed.  Of course, also test if I feel high or low.  I am learning to trust my sensor a little more.  At the beginning, this was very hard for me.  I don’t like putting my life in a...

Silhouette Space Saver.

Imagine: a silhouette that could save your spot when you have a diabetic emergency.  Well, let me back up and tell you the reason as to why I feel this would be an important necessity in  my  life.   Sitting on the stage steps in the workout room. Watching everyone else involved in a group workout session of my favorite exercise class, body combat.  I have to test my blood sugar because it's about half way through my work out.  Damn-staring back at me on the meter is a big..fat..ugly......66.  I didn't even feel that low!  I quickly grab my fruit snacks...inhale them straight out of the package.   Wait. Watch the class. Ugh, this sucks.  I'm a regular in the class; everyone knows that I'm a diabetic.  Looks of concern... "Are you ok?" many people ask.   Wait. Watch. Repeat. Ok, so I probably shouldn't have gone back into body combat as quick as I did...but I love the class.  I reassured myself that I...

10 Things I Hate About Diabetes

Sometimes you need to let it all out... 1. The fact that I can't eat everything and anything I want...whenever I want.  There's the annoying part of testing myself and giving myself insulin for all of the sugar I intake. Plus the super sugary foods can mess me up.  It can be quite annoying at times! 2. Being asked, " can eat that?  I thought you were a diabetic?"  Yes, I am a diabetic.  Yes, I can eat this.  Leave me alone :) 3. The annoying beeping at night when my blood sugar is too high or low.  Can't a girl get a good night's sleep?! 4. It is almost impossible to wear a dress!  The only way I am able to pull it off is by going into the bathroom stall to give myself insulin.   5. I want to be able to carry a small, teeny, tiny purse! I can't--I've got to carry my testing supplies PLUS extra pumping supplies in case something happens to the one I am wearing. 6. Lows can just ruin a day.  If I drop low, I have to...


Everydayness. Simple word; complex meaning.  It's one of the most important words that come to mind when I think about diabetes.  There's no break, there's no, 'Oh, I'll worry about it tomorrow.' Sometimes I wish I could have a vacation from this disease that consumes my life.  No...if I go on a vacation, the D has to accompany me. Talk about invasive!  When I'm sick, it doesn't go away.  No...then I need to just worry, 'Is my blood sugar being affected?' and prick my fingers just a zillion more times a day to make sure I don't have an unexpected high or low! Pile on those emotions of sadness, anger, worry, fear, panic.......they all affect the 'big D'.   Sometimes I wish I could leave it at home. 'Oops, I forgot it.' Damn you pancreas for failing me.  It's ok, I'm tough.  I can't..... won't  let myself be affected by it. Thank you diabetes world, for letting me vent.

Positive Thinking

Frustration consumes me. To stop these pessimistic thoughts, I decided to make a list of the positives related to diabetes... 1. I have become wizard at mathematics. ["So, I'm eating 50 carbs, and my blood sugar is 150...I need to figure out the correction factor and bolus for what I'm eating!"] 2. Being tough- especially  when it comes to needles!  3. Getting blood taken? No problem! 4. I have realized the true effects that food has on my body. 5. The special attention I get from my husband and cat when I am low or high. 6. The love my husband shows by changing my sensor because I can't reach where the site is on my back.  The way he comforts me if the needle stings. That's love. 7. Knowing the doctors and receptionists so well [because I am there so often!] that all I have to say when I call is "Hi, it's Joanna." 8. Being able to speak my own diabetic language: "bolus, basal, fixed prime..." No one except a diabeti...

Diabetes Doesn't Stop Me.

The most awesome thing(s) I have done in spite of diabetes... I've never used diabetes as an excuse.  In fact, I can't stand it when adults use excuses to avoid work or anything that might be slightly challenging.  I make it a goal NOT to start or end a sentence with, "but my diabetes..." Diabetes is a pain in the butt.  There's no denying that.  However, I'm proud of all of the activities and accomplishments I have achieved in life so far (and continue to do!).  Here's just a few that I'd like to share: Traveling the world (Europe, Vegas, NYC, etc.) Teaching-always finding a new and exciting way to reach and motivate children  Participating in intense workouts, like body combat and hiking  Working two jobs, usually 12-14 hours per day Staying healthy by eating nutritiously-even if this means preparing my lunch and dinner at the same time, the night before What have YOU done in spite of something that might be physically/emotionally ch...

Diabetes Exhibit [& Cupcakes]

This weekend, hubby and I visited the Insulin Discovery Exhibit in NYC.  It was a revealing experience that was jam-packed with startling and enlightening information...Here are just some facts that I found thought-provoking: Thousands of animal pancreases were used to create artifical insulin.  I was astonished when I saw this picture ; all of the pancreases they needed to make just a little bit--no wonder there wasn't enough to help save all of the people with this disease.  They had to turn so many people away, only the most severe cases were treated.  For example, they helped save a three-year old child who only weighed 15 pounds.  After three months on insulin and consistent doctor support, the child weighed 29 pounds.  We should be grateful we don't have to go through what PWD did many years ago!  Imagine having to test your blood sugar using this  method ? Yes, you would actually have to put your urine in the test tube, mix, and ...

New Beginnings...

I have been meaning to post; life has been so hectic lately!  I went to the endocrinologist last week, for my 3 month appointment.  I have been religiously checking my blood sugar and eating extremely well.  I was ecstatic when I found out that my A1C went from an 9.1 to a 7.9! The higher A1C three months ago mainly had to do with my carby trip to Europe.   So, I have made a goal for myself for my next appointment in March. I want to bring my A1C into the 6's.  If I can do that, it will be the lowest A1C I have had since my diagnosis.  The start of the new year brings me high hopes of stable blood sugar and healthy eating.  I want to kick my old habits and bring my blood sugar down to where it should be! I am going to forget the past, my mistakes and frustrations with diabetes, and "toast" to new beginnings...the start of a new year with excellent blood sugars! Happy New Year everyone!