Brooklyn Bound

NYC--the city where I got engaged, and the place that my husband and I love to go every opportunity that we can!  This time, for a change, we went to Brooklyn instead of Manhattan.  It was great; I always find it so much harder to control my numbers when I am “out on the go,” so I knew that this particular day could be a challenge.
Walking around the city can be a great work out, but I’m always afraid I am going to drop low!   Those numbers in the twenties, thirties, forties....scare me!  One place in particular that we went was the Botanical Gardens.  It was gorgeous there; made me enjoy all of the beauty that the world has to offer.  I was so proud of myself because after walking for a tremendous amount of time, being hot & tired (all factors that can affect my blood sugar), I was 126!  I was so happy & felt so good, physically.  What a difference it makes when your numbers are right where you want them to be!  It’s a constant struggle...this Type 1 diabetes, and I find myself fighting it everyday, continuously trying to be the winner in the game that it plays with me.  But I refuse to back down and let it take over.


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