Find an Inspiration; Be an Inspiration

The Hudson Valley--where I have been volunteering
to help people with diabetes.
“Nobody can do everything, but everyone can do something.” ~Author Unknown
    I am proud to say that my website is now posted on the JDRF website!  I have been trying to find more ways to volunteer with diabetes, and one main reason of starting my blog was to help others.  I am hoping that by putting my words, feelings, and daily obstacles with diabetes out there...that it lets others know that they are not alone.  
    After being diagnosed, I had no one to turn to that could relate to what I was going through.  I had wonderful family there by my side; but I felt alone in regards to the emotional aspects of being diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes.  It was the online community that helped me through this, and who continue to inspire and support me with this disease.  Specifically, I turned to the website  I was so motivated by Kerri Morrone Sparling’s words and thoughts.  Her blog helped me through the shock, denial, anger, and acceptance of diabetes.  I read her blog on a daily basis, and she has truly become my diabetic role model.  I read many other wonderful bloggers and they have inspired me so much that I decided I wanted to help others as well.  I am excited to have my website out there and to be supporting my fellow friends with diabetes.  
    Here’s the JDRF website in which my own blog is linked:
Check it out! 
    We can all make a difference in this world--whether big or small...the affect that you can have on someone’s life--simply by words--can be life-altering. 


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