Controversy Over the Two P's of Diabetes

   “Hey, how do you like the pump?” someone asked me at work yesterday.  He glanced down at the pink pager-looking thingy on my hip.  He went on to tell me that his wife is a Type 1 Diabetic.  I told him how much I love the pump and how much easier it is to manage this disease.   He said that he had heard many different thoughts on the pump and wasn’t sure what to think of it.  
    When first diagnosed, I swore that I would never, ever be on the pump.  There was no way I was going to have something attached to me all the time.   So, I started on the syringes, which drove me nuts.  I would have to measure out the insulin in units.  Oh, but before I did that, I would have to do math and figure out exactly what amount I needed.  This would have to include the correction and bolus.  Have I mentioned that I am NOT a math person?!  Flicking out those air bubbles was not fun in public either!  People would stare at me and wonder what on EARTH was I doing?!?!  
    Then, I moved to the insulin pens.  Already loaded with insulin, all I needed to do was turn the end of the pen to the amount of insulin that I needed to take.  In my mind, this was perfect!  I was giving myself shots as little as five times a day.  Jabbing myself in the stomach with a needle was getting  I needed to find a different option!
    At my first diabetes walk, I was introduced to the Omnipod.  I was convinced to try it.  It seemed great--a pump with NO tubing! This was exciting!  I went to the doctor, and she helped me get approved by my insurance company.  Before I knew it, I was on it!  I couldn’t believe that this little piece of technology could do all the math for me, and give me my medicine!  It wasn’t even noticeable under my clothes.  
    Then, after switching to my amazingly knowledgeable current doctor...I changed one last time to the Medtronic pump.  She persuaded me that it was better for my health.  There was tubing on this pump--and that made me skeptical.  I took my doctor’s word.  However, I wondered where or what I would attach the clip to when I was at home or out in public.  One difficulty that I still have today is where to clip my pump when I wear a dress.  Very difficult, if you can imagine!  I am on the glucose sensor, and the sensor and pump work together to maintain acceptable glucose levels.  I am still amazed at this tiny piece of technology that I carry around with me everyday.  
    In my opinion, I am for the pump all the way!  It makes life so much easier for diabetics, especially if you like to work out or do anything physically active.  You can change your insulin levels quickly and easily.  The pump really does give the control that all diabetics need.  To my fellow diabetics: which do you prefer and why?


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