An Inside into my Diabetic World...

What type of diabetes do you have Type 1 Diabetes...also known as Juvenile Diabetes.

When were you diagnosed November 3, husband’s birthday...happy birthday to him :(

What's your current blood sugar:  Before dinner it was about 260 (ugh), but it’s because I worked out...I am still trying to figure out how to adjust my insulin based on the workout intensity...not fun.

What kind of meter do you use:  One Touch Ultra Link

How many times a day do you test your blood sugar About 10 times a day...sometimes a little more if I am working out.

What's a "high" number for you I’d say over 200...not what most diabetics would say, but I am still trying to control it and learn how to appropriately adjust insulin. 
What's do you consider "low": Below 70.  Worst feeling EVER.

What's your favorite low blood sugar reaction treater I usually have the Kellogg's fruit snack packs.  Recently, I have been eating an all-natural fruit strip...they are the perfect amount of carbs to bring me back up to where I should be! (Damn, I just ate the one I took a picture of--gotta bolus for that one!)

Describe your dream endo:  An encouraging and kind person.  Someone who tells you what you should know, but not in a condescending tone.  A great listener...and there when you need him/her. And most important, someone who will FIGHT for you.
What's your biggest diabetes achievement: Bringing my A1C down dramatically--from 12.9 to 9.1.  Then, even lower the next 7.4.  Also, I am always happy when I do a workout or something “out of the ordinary”...and I can maintain a good blood sugar.  
What's your biggest diabetes-related fearHaving problems in the future--with my eyes or feet.

Who's on your support team:  My husband--always.  I commend significant others who have a diabetic loved one.  That person has to be encouraging but not nagging...and sympathetic.  Definitely a hard thing to balance!  I am SO very lucky to have that in my husband.  My family is a great support too, they are always concerned and there when I need them.  I am lucky to have a few close friends who are there, they do everything they can to learn about the disease and be encouraging.    AND my kitty--I swear he knows when I drop low...he comes by my side to make sure I am ok.  I enjoy meeting and talking with other diabetics...I learn so much from them. All of these people (and animals!) help me stay strong.

Do you think there will be a cure in your lifetime: I think there are going to be advancements made in research.  I hope one day there is something like pills that I can take.  That’s why I do the walk every year...I want there to be improvements made.  They are definitely moving forward with technology and that is hopeful in my eyes!

What is a "cure" to you:  A new pancreas!!  Even if I didn’t have to test so much, or things were a little easier...I’d be happy.
The most annoying thing people say to you about your diabetes is“You can eat that?”  YES I CAN.  Unless you’re a doctor, please don’t question me.  Another great comment is... “Ohh, well you just take a pill, right?”  NO...I have a pump attached to my skin with a tube that gives me insulin all day and more when I eat in order to maintain a healthy blood sugar.  
What is the most common misconception about diabetes That you can take a pill to maintain your blood sugar.  (I WISH!)  Another is that people who are overweight or unhealthy are the ones who get Type 1 Diabetes.  Not true at all!!! I was always healthy, fit, great weight...and look what happened.  
If you could say one thing to your pancreas, what would it be:  “Damn you!  You make my life more difficult so you could be lazy!!” haha


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