I just finished the book "Needles: A Memoir of Growing Up With Diabetes," by Andie Dominick. It talks about the trials and challenges of diabetes, and the truly powerful affect it can have on a diabetic's life. The author proves what a daily task it really is. The book starts out explaining how much Andie adores her sister who has Type 1 Diabetes. She would play with the needles (orange caps still on them), and pretend to give shots to her stuffed animals. Little did she know, she would soon be giving herself insulin shots. Eventually, after years with diabetes, Andie has complications. It gave me a different perspective on the disease. It makes me want to work a little harder to avoid medical problems. She ends up having diabetic retinopathy. She has to have laser surgeries to prevent more vessels in her eye from bursting. Scary stuff--but it's reality. Then she goes through periods of denial and stops giving herself insulin. She ends...