New Beginnings...

I have been meaning to post; life has been so hectic lately!  I went to the endocrinologist last week, for my 3 month appointment.  I have been religiously checking my blood sugar and eating extremely well.  I was ecstatic when I found out that my A1C went from an 9.1 to a 7.9! The higher A1C three months ago mainly had to do with my carby trip to Europe.  
So, I have made a goal for myself for my next appointment in March. I want to bring my A1C into the 6's.  If I can do that, it will be the lowest A1C I have had since my diagnosis.  The start of the new year brings me high hopes of stable blood sugar and healthy eating.  I want to kick my old habits and bring my blood sugar down to where it should be! I am going to forget the past, my mistakes and frustrations with diabetes, and "toast" to new beginnings...the start of a new year with excellent blood sugars!
Happy New Year everyone!


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